The Basar Europe is currently working with the stuff listed below.
You can link to the CDs sections to check if they are available, read a full description of each one, see the cover, and listen to two mp3 per title.
COUNTESS "Burning Scripture" CD (WRATH048)
WARHORDE "Death Rattle" CD (WRATH047)
THE WIZAR'D "Pathways Into Darkness" CD (WRATH046)
TEARSTAINED "Nightmare Visions" CD (WRATH045)
FAUSTCOVEN "Rising From Below The Earth" CD (WRATH044)
EARTH FLIGHT "Earth Flight" CD (WRATH043)
UPWARDS OF ENDTIME "From Genesis To Apokalypse And Beyond" CD (WRATH042)
COUNTESS "Blazing Flames Of War"(WRATH041)
WARHORDE "Satanic Lust"(WRATH040)
COUNTESS "Holocaust Of The God Believers" CD (WRATH039)
TEARSTAINED "Homicidal Tendencies" CD (WRATH038)
DEATH BEAST "The Wakening" CD (WRATH037)
STINY PLAMENU "Zelezo Krváci" CD (WRATH035)
ANAEL "On Wings Of Mercury" CD (WRATH034)
PATECABRA "El Horror" (WRATHo33)
TEARSTAINED "Monumental In Its Sorrow" CD (WRATH032)
ALASTOR "Infernal Lord" CD (WRATH031)
GRAVEWÜRM "Under The Banner Of War" CD (WRATH030)
AMON "Return Of The Black Metal" CD (WRATH029)
STINY PLAMENU "Dive Into The Wastewater..." CD (WRATH027)
GRAVEWÜRM "Into Battle" CD (WRATH024)
TEARSTAINED "Final Thoughts" CD (WRATH022)
SITHLORD "The Return To Godless Times" CD (WRATH020)
GRAVEWÜRM "Dark Souls Of Hell" CD (WRATH017)
ALASTOR "Hellward" CD (WRATH014)
MEGIDDO "The Atavism Of Evil" CD (WRATH013)
TEARSTAINED "There Is No Hope" CD (WRATH012)
STINY PLAMENU "Ve Spine Je Pravda" CD (WRATH011)
AMON "Zrozeni Smrti" CD (WRATH010)
MEGIDDO "The Devil And The Whore" CD (WRATH003)
WIZZARD "Wizzard" CD (NEP016)
AMON GOETH "The Worship" (NEP012)
BIFROST "The Wildest Fire" CD (NEP011)
THA-NORR "Wolfenzeitalter" CD (NEP007)
BIFROST "Pagan Reality" CD (NEP004)
COUNTESS "The Return Of The Horned One" CD (NEP003)
BEHEMOTH "...From The Pagan Vastlands" CD (NEP002)
WITCHES BREW releases:
MECHANIX "Sonic Point Blank" CD (BREW028)
HORRIFIER "Grim Fate" CD (BREW027)
SCYTHE "Season Of The Tall Pines" CD (BREW026)
TORTURE PULSE "Plague Poetry" CD (BREW025)
AMOK "Downhill Without Brakes" CD (BREW024)
SALUTE "The Underground" CD (BREW023)
SAURON "Satanic Assassins" CD (BREW022)
MADGOYA "Put Olindrali Avlijanera" CD (BREW021)
DEATHHAMMER "Forever Ripping Fast" CD (BREW020)
IMMACULATE "Thrash, Kill 'N' Deströy" CD (BREW019)
REDIMONI "Into The Coiling Arms Of Mayhem" CD (BREW018)
PYÖVELI "The New Renaissance Of Speed & Thrash Metal" CD (BREW 017)
SCYTHE "Decay" CD (BREW 016)
REDIMONI "The Onset Of Chaos" CD (BREW014)
HAMMERWHORE "Hammerwhore" CD (BREW013)
DEVIL LEE ROT "Metalizer" CD (BREW012)
SCYTHE "The Process Of Rotting" CD (BREW011)
VEXED "Destruction Warfare" CD (BREW010)
DEVIL LEE ROT "Metal Dictator / Soldier From Hell" CD (BREW009)
SCYTHE "Poetry Of Illusions" CD (BREW007)
DEVIL LEE ROT "Hellscraper / A Little Devil Ain't Enough" CD (BREW006)
THE CHASM "Conjuration Of The Spectral Empire" CD (BREW005)
VEXED "Nightmare Holocaust" CD (BREW004)
THARGOS "Killfukk" CD (BREW003)
HATEWORK "Madbent For Disaster" CD (BREW002)
SCYTHE "On My Way Home" CD (BREW001)
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